


Wang Ruihu is a professor in the school of Tourism and Event Management at Chongqing University of Arts and Science. He received his Ph.D in Computer Science from Chongqing University in 2012. His expertise is mainly in the areas of machine learning and computer vision,business data analytics and so on. From Feb 2007-Feb 2008, he was an academic visitor at Graphic & Vision Lab, department of Computer Science in University of Otago, New Zealand, supervised by Dr Brendan McCane. From May 2019-Aug 2019, he was an academic visitor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.Prof Wang is a senior member of China Computer Federation (CCF), and a member of Data Science Special Committee of Association of Fundamental Computing Education in Chinese Universities (AFCEC), also an executive member of Chongqing Society for Cognitive Science (CQCS). He is a reviewer for some academic journals such as Applied Softcomputing, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Computer Science in Chinese, etc.

【研究兴趣】(Research Interests

  计算机视觉、机器学习、商业数据分析、旅游大数据等Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Business data analytics.)。






1.Wang R., Yan G. Inquiry and Practice of Mobile Interactive Internet Classroom Construction based on UMU. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Educational Information. August 16-18 2019, Kunming, China.

2.CHEN yingchao, WANG ruihu*,HU zhangping. Novel Approach on Collaborative FilterinPg Based on Gaussian Mixture Model. Computer Science(in Chinese),Vol.44 No.6A, 2017.6

3.WANG ruihu. A model of Intelligent Early Warning for Psychological Crisis. Computer Technology and Development. Vol.27 2017.6.

4.Ruihu Wang, Zhangping Hu, Weihua Wang. Multi-scale Shape Feature Extraction of Erythrocyte SEMed Image Through Curvelet Transform. 2017 3rd International Conference on Artificial 5.Intelligence and Industrial Engineering. November 26-27, 2017, Shanghai, China.

5.Ruihu Wang. Curved Surface Feature Extraction and Texture Analysis Based on Curvelet Transform for Red Blood Cell Images. 2017 2nd Internation Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Techniques and Applications. September 17-18, 2017, Shenzhen, China

6.Ruihu Wang. Shape Classification of Red Blood Cell Images based on Tetrolet Transform. 2017 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation. November 26-27, 2017, Shanghai, China


