

Rui Wang is a lecturer in the School of Tourism, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences. She holds a PhD in Cultural & Tourism Management from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (World Top 140 - QS University Rankings 2021). Her current research interests lie in the area of grounded theory, the impact of culture on tourism, and the sharing economy. Her research has been published widely in the journals in the field of tourism and hospitality. She is also a member of Sichuan Musician Association and member of China Association of Performing Arts. Prior to joining Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Rui has long been engaged in promoting international culture exchanges, and has intensive industry experiences in performing arts management, and event planning. She has also obtained numerous national and international professional qualifications. 

资格证书】 (Qualification):


Certificate of Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo, Certificate for Qualified Performing Agents, HABC Level 2 Award in Door Supervision (QCF), Certificate for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1(JLPT N1), Certificate in German for the Professions  

【研究兴趣】(Research Interests):


Grounded Theory, Impact of Culture on Tourism, and Sharing Economy 


1. Zhang, G., Wang, R*., & Cheng, M. (2020). Peer-to-peer accommodation experience: A Chinese cultural perspective. Tourism Management Perspectives, 33, 100621.【SSCI, Q1】*Corresponding author.

2. Wang, R., Foley, C., & Edwards, D. (2020)."It’s quite common to skip sessions": a grounded theory approach to examining PhD students’ non-attendance at academic conference. In: CAUTHE: 20:20 Vision: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology, 2020: 8-13

3. Wang, R., Foley, C., Edwards, E., & Schlenker, K. (2019, August 28-30). Skipping conference sessions: a grounded theory approach to examining attendance and non-attendance at academic conference. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management, Osaka, Japan

4. Wang, R. (2016). Research on the Effect of Art Festivals on Culture and Tourism, Journal of Aba Teachers College, 33, 88-90

5. Wang, R. (2016). The Impact of Arts Festivals on Development of Regional Cultural Resources – A Case Study of “Visual and Arts Festival” of Newcastle in UK, Sichuan Drama, 8, 28-34


1.节事策划与组织管理 Event Planning & Management

2.会展英语 Practical English for Exhibition Management